Tuesday, 5 August 2008

Logistical State Crash

So for Thursday after the failure of Zoo Bar I revert back to the tried and tested Thursday night location of Roadhouse, with Steve who’s up for something tonight. However there’s a logistical error. I arrive at 9 and Steve is delayed. No problem, I’m in state so I just walk around a bit and try and sum up the courage to open some people on the street. But solo street game is a real chore for me currently and I get nowhere. Unknown to me Steve arrives and goes into the club. Meanwhile my state completely crashes as I can’t open on the street and I feel crap. I think I ask one person for the time.

Forty minutes later I eventually get inside and find Steve. We sit down and have a chat for a bit. While Steve is at the bar three Brazilian girls come and sit down next to us. The one nearest is super hot – like a cross between Selma Hayek and Penelope Cruz. With a bit of Nelly Furtado thrown in for good measure. She’s hotter than hot.

I start a conversation with her and talk about normal conversation. I find out she’s from Brazil and other things that I can’t remember now. But once again it goes nowhere. I need to up my conversation game. I should have just talked about random shit I guess. Anything that came to my mind. But I stalled. Steve came back and I continued with him.

Soon afterwards the band started playing so I went to watch them, as I enjoy it so much. But the noise made it hard to open so I didn’t. I think I got a bit of eye contact from some girls, but I didn’t do anything about it. At one point I was pinched on the ass, but some girl’s handbag had been jabbing itself in my back and I was a bit annoyed, so I didn’t react well.

There were a couple of groups of girls that I could have perhaps opened but given my low state and general ordinariness I didn’t do anything. I called it a night at that point.

Lessons learned

  • Make sure you make clear arrangements with wings if you’re waiting for them outside the Roadhouse
  • Roadhouse is hard to open once the band starts.
  • I need to find something else to do if solo street game isn’t working for me
  • I need to improvise things to say when I run out of conversation in set
  • I need to plough through low state and somehow get myself opening again

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