July Goals
By the end of July I will have number closed 15 times, 5 times with girls who are 7 or above
I have increased my number closing to 4 this month, but not 15 times. A 400% increase on June though so that’s something.
By the end of July I will have been to ten new venues for sarging, and have put together a list of venues for each day of the week that has the hottest girls
Partial success! I don’t know or remember if I have visited 10 new venues, but I do have a list of venues for each day of the week:
Mon: Tiger Tiger
Tue: Sports Café or Zoo Bar
Wed: Cheapskates or Salsa
Thu: Roadhouse (though I would like to find another one)
Fri: Jewel or Jrink
Sat: Brick Lane and I want to try Favela Chic
Sun: Pitcher and Piano in Fulham (still to try)
By the end of July I will have opened ten girls hotter than a 7.
To be honest I haven’t been keeping close track of this, but I’ve open loads of girls and most of them have been 7 or over, so I’ll count this as a success.
By the end of June I will have researched and implemented how to turn my conversation seductive, and used it five times.
Haven’t really done this, need to work on it.
By the end of July I will have kiss closed ten girls.
I have kiss closed no girls, so failure here
By the end of July I will have gone sarging solo five times.
I have gone solo sarging three times, but goddam it’s difficult.
Other stuff
Here are some general points that I have realised over the last month:
- I became aware of my constant need for love and attention, I’ve dealt with it and I am more at peace with myself as a result.
- I have read some of Psychcybernetics and used it with good effect. Need to continue with this.
- I have improved by ability to force myself to open – like I have no control over my legs. Need to continue with this.
- I have had four number closes and two follow up attempts, but no responses so this is the next area to work on.
- I am feeling more confident in general. Seen an improvement in my body language and posture. I am caring less about getting blown out.
- I have been attending talks and bootcamps which have helped a lot. I’ll continue to do this.
- Definite improvement seen, which is really great.
- Number close 15 times
- Kiss close five times
- Go on three “Day Twos”
- Get laid once
- Go out six times a week at least (day or night game)
- Research and implement how to turn my conversation seductive, and use it five times.
- Go sarging solo five times
- Open at least five people each session and stay in set for at least five minutes once successfully opened.
- Get some routines down to keep in conversation in set
- Continue to use the Psychocybernetics visualisation techniques
- Continue to attend LSS talks and bootcamps as costs allow (i.e. mainly the cheapest ones!)
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