Sunday, 24 January 2010

LR: Get on the Bus

So another night in Buenos Aires. Before going out I watch the end of Beta House which is so bad it’s good. The Greek Roulette scene is a classic in movie history. I head over to the hostel next door to see what’s happening. It’s a bit quiet but someone asks me for a lighter and I end up talking to a bunch of coked-up Aussies, who despite being a bit energetic, sweating and twitchy are more or less ok. It turns out they’re all going to some club night somewhere and they invite me along. I go to change into trousers and meet them at another hostel. It turns out we have to wait for a bus that will take us there and we hang out in the hostel bar until that happens.

The Aussie guys are cool and they’re all depressingly good looking and tanned as ever. There aren’t many women around at the moment and I just shoot the shit and take it easy. Eventually at 2 am the bus turns up and we all pile on. I’m the last but one to come on and the last person is an American girl who sits in the seat in front of me.

She really reminds me of my friend Claire, who, like this girl, is American, of Jewish extraction, and quite high energy, happy, fun kind of person. We immediately start talking as the bus drives through the streets of Buenos Aires to the club location. I’m not sure why but for some reason I find myself talking about the Falklands War and other points of history and politics which I usually avoid as it’s a kind of energy killer but somehow it’s OK in this situation.

Eventually we get to the club and it’s very large and a bit shit. The music is way too loud and it reminds me of the kind of club you get in places like Gran Canaria or something. But there’s a large outside area where you can sit down and hear yourself above the music, so we go and sit down there. We also lose the rest of the crowd in about 30 seconds. We continue talking and get on like a house on fire. Occasionally one of the group – an English guy also on coke – wonders aimlessly by looking for the others, and we talk to him from time to time as he looks a bit out of sorts.

Again I talk about subjects that I don’t usually – why the legal profession is a bunch of crap, and why what’s doing right for the planet is always going to be wrong for someone, somewhere – again I escape unscathed. However as we talk she tells me that it’s actually her last night in South America – same situation as with the first girl from last night – so logistics are playing into my hands again. And then she drops a great bombshell – as we talk about Argentine society she tells me that a friend of hers told her about the phenomenon of sex hotels. No shit, I say, and get out my camera. I show her the picture of the hotel where I fucked the Argentinean girl yesterday. She notices that the bed is messed up. Yeah I say, and tell her briefly about what happened. I also show her the picture of the girl and she says that she’s pretty.

Finally I see one of the rest of the group and we meet back up with them all. I chat with some of them some more and generally mingle. I end up back talking with this girl again and as sure as day follows night, so the sun also rises and we decided to go home. As we get ready to leave so all the others think it’s a good idea too and all 11 of us head outside for a taxi. I share one with the girl and two English guys

We pass River Plate stadium on the way, which looks massive and beautiful in the morning sun. Eventually we get back to the hostel and we point the coked up English guy in the right direction as he amusingly ambles off in the wrong way. She doesn’t have enough money to pay for her share so she tells me to some back with her to her hotel so she can pay me. So we get back into the cab and head over to hers. (She is staying in a 5 star hotel as she was due to go home the day before but got bumped off the plane, so the airline put her up in this swanky place for the night). She wants it.

So we go to her hotel and she pays for my services, lol. She tells me that she thought I was gay, and that I remind her of a Beastie Boys song “She’s Crafty” but obviously changing it to He’s Crafty in reference to me. I take the lead and start kissing her and undressing her and me. We start fooling around in bed. She’s quite dominant – she starts biting my nipple at one point – so I go dominant on her and hold her down and then tickle her to death. She screams and is loving it.


But we don’t have any condoms so we can’t have full sex. In fact we don’t do anything more than kiss and I tease her nipples and make them erect. She moans appreciatively. And that’s all before we fall asleep. When we wake up a bit later we chat and kiss a bit more, and then she goes down on me. She swallows, lol. She then asks me to play with her nipples again, so I do, and then guides my hand down where I find she’s soaking wet. I finger her and she comes. She had an almost completely shaven pussy, which was nice for a change as recently they’ve been a bit hairy.


So that was it really. Things I noticed were that both tonight and the night before I really didn’t give a shit if I got laid or not, I didn’t want or push for it, though I did lead in the right places and times. You might call this being unattached to the outcome. I call it not giving a shit.

Also this girl, like the last American I fucked (on July 4 last year lol) kept some clothes on in bed. Which is unusual. It wasn’t cold! Not sure what that’s all about, but it doesn’t matter.

So that’s two lays in two days in Argentina, I’d like to think I could go for a third today but I have to go to bed early to get up for my bus to Bariloche tomorrow so it won’t happen. But TWO LAYS IN TWO DAYS!!! Fuck, I’ve never done anything like that before. I’ve now fucked three girls this month, the same amount that I fucked all last year. Total is now 15, and unfortunately this time I don’t get an extra flag as I already have America! For the record, my flags are:

England, Lithuania, Austria, Portugal, USA, Argentina, Colombia, Thailand, South Africa. I guess Cornwall doesn’t count? Still, a nice combination. I like to do my bit for international relations.

How do you get to Carnegie Hall? Practice.

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